25/8/23, 00:00
The future of agriculture as seen by leaders
On the second day at the AAPRESID Congress “C, a life element”, UPL global leader, Vikram Shroff, claimed that: “Agriculture is part of a right and natural solution to deal with climate change.”
Within the framework of the Aapresid Congress “C, a life element”, the panel was led by UPL global leader, Vikram Shroff, and the Chair of Aapresid, Marcelo Torres, and moderated by Hector Huergo (Clarín newspaper).
Sustainable agriculture as part of food security.
“Every politician from every country all over the world recognizes the importance of food (…) Food security leads to social security,” claimed Vikram Shroff (UPL).
Shroff also mentioned that climate change is an existing problem, and that agriculture is the solution, including the producers. Although agriculture is responsible for 30% of GHG (greenhouse gas), the emission of these gases is actually to produce food, which changes the equation.
Shroff also said that: “People need to eat at least three times a day, throughout 365 days a year, but where does this food come from? Every consumer has to stop blaming agriculture and to start perceiving producers as part of a right and natural solution to deal with climate change.”
Change in perspectives and communication.
On his part, Marcelo Torres pointed out that to face food demand in the future, there is no more land to add to agriculture. However, with genetic improvements and technologies already known, such as no-till farming, always green and systems with active microbiome, we can improve production potential. Knowledge and technology are no hindrance, but we still have to set up better productive dialogues. We need discussions based on science and technology.
On this matter, Torres also recognized the importance of communicating better what is done well. The challenge is still proving that our productive systems are efficient and have lower C footprint and, jointly with agroindustry, consolidate sustainable food methods.
The message needs to be decoded in such a way that it is clear and attractive for the consumer. To make this happen, UPL partnered with FIFA and set important football stars as communication ambassadors.
They also mentioned new generations' interest in agribusiness. In Argentina, Torres claimed that bioeconomy and digital technology are the areas in which the youth feel more attracted to, and, at the same time, they are more capable of understanding and adapting both of them to productive systems.
Finally, Shroff concluded: “Argentina is the leader in No-till Farming and many other novelties, and it is also a country that should be more celebrated and addressed. People need to know that Argentina is producing great food quality, crops and wine.”
He also added: “Argentina’s production is strategic in the world. Every country is watching what is happening in Argentina, because if it stops producing and exporting, the world would be facing many issues. So as a nation and associated farmers they must be proud to be contributing to a happier and healthier world.”
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